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Furniture Maintenance - Domestic Director

The Complete Guide to Furniture Maintenance

Your furniture is an important part of your home. Not only does it provide comfort and style, but it also serves a practical purpose. That’s why it’s so important to take care of your furniture and keep it in good condition. In this blog post, we will discuss all there is to know about furniture maintenance. We’ll cover everything from how to clean your furniture to how to protect it from damage. By following these tips, you can ensure that your furniture lasts for many years!

Importance Of Furniture Maintenance

Furniture maintenance is an important part of keeping your furniture in good condition. With proper care, you can keep it looking as good as new or even better than when you first bought it!

Types Of Furniture Maintenance

There are different types of furniture maintenance that need to be considered before starting any kind of cleaning process. The most common type is dusting and vacuuming upholstery, which should be done every week. This will prevent dirt from building up in the fabric which can cause damage over time.

How To Clean Your Furniture

Furniture should be cleaned regularly to prevent dirt and dust from building upon it, which can cause damage over time. The best way for you to clean your furniture is by using a vacuum cleaner or brush attachment that has soft bristles so as not to scratch or damage it further than necessary.

How To Protect Your Furniture

There are a few things you can do to protect your furniture from damage. The most important is to use coasters and placemats under glasses and plates, respectively. You should also avoid placing furniture in direct sunlight or near heat sources, as this can cause the wood to warp over time. Finally, be sure that if you have pets, they don’t sit on your furniture – scratching is one of the most common ways for people to damage their couches!

How to Clean Different Types of Furniture

There are a few different types of furniture that require special cleaning methods, such as leather or faux leather couches which should only be cleaned with water and mild dish soap, etc.

Cleaning Upholstery and Leather Furniture

There are two main types of upholstered furniture: fabric and leather. Fabric can be cleaned with water-based products and a vacuum cleaner, while leather should be cleaned with a damp cloth and then dried immediately. Do not use any type of soap or cleaning product on leather furniture, as this can cause it to become dry and cracked over time.

Cleaning Wooden Furniture

Wooden furniture is the easiest type of furniture to clean – all you need is a damp cloth! However, if there are stains on your furniture that won’t come out with water or vinegar solutions like lemon juice (the acid in lemons helps lift stains), try using baking soda instead. Just make a paste of baking soda and water, apply it to the stain, and let it sit for about half an hour. After that, scrub with a brush until the stain is gone, then wipe away any remaining residue with a damp cloth.

Cleaning Glass Furniture

Glass furniture should be cleaned regularly using a mild soap and water solution. You can also use vinegar or lemon juice mixed with water as an alternative to soap if you prefer not to have any chemical smells in your home. Just be sure to rinse the furniture well afterward and dry it with a soft cloth.

Cleaning Plastic Furniture

Plastic furniture is one of the easiest types of furniture to clean – all you need is a mild detergent and water! Be sure to rinse the furniture well afterward and dry it with a soft cloth.

Cleaning Metal Furniture

Metal furniture should be cleaned regularly using a mild soap and water solution. You can also use vinegar or lemon juice mixed with water as an alternative to soap if you prefer not to have any chemical smells in your home. Just be sure to rinse the furniture well afterward and dry it with a soft cloth.

Cleaning Outdoor Furniture

Outdoor furniture should be cleaned regularly to prevent dirt and dust from building upon it, which can cause damage over time. The best way for you to clean your outdoor furniture is by using a hose and nozzle attachment that has a soft-bristled brush – this will help remove any built-up dirt or debris without damaging the surface of the furniture itself.

What to Use to Clean Your Furniture

The best way for you to clean your furniture is by using a vacuum cleaner or brush attachment that has soft bristles so as not to scratch or damage it further than necessary. If there are any stains on your furniture, try using baking soda instead of water-based products because the acidity level in lemons can help lift stains from fabric and leather furniture.

How Often Should You Clean Your Furniture?

It’s recommended to vacuum your furniture at least once every week in order to prevent dirt from accumulating on its surface, which can cause damage over time if left unchecked for too long (like carpeting). If there are any stains on the furniture itself, you should clean them immediately with a damp cloth before they have time to set into place permanently (like food spills).

How Much Does It Cost To Hire Someone To Clean Your Furniture?

The cost of having someone clean your furniture varies depending on how much time it takes them to do so, what type of material the furniture is made out of, and whether or not any stains need removing before starting the cleaning process. The average hourly rate ranges from $20-50 per hour with most companies charging an additional fee for moving furniture around.

Repairing Your Furniture

The cost of fixing furniture can be expensive, especially if the damage is extensive. If you’re looking to get your furniture repaired instead of buying new ones altogether then it might not always be possible due to availability issues or lack thereof within your area (like leather seats being out-of-stock). You may need a local supplier who specializes in repairing upholstery and/or fabrics before proceeding with any major repairs.

How Much Does It Cost To Hire Someone To Repair Your Furniture?

The cost of hiring someone to repair your furniture varies depending on how much time it takes them to do so, what type of material the furniture is made out of, and whether or not the damages to the furniture can be repaired without having to replace any of its parts. The average hourly rate ranges from $50-100 per hour, but it’s always best to get a few quotes before settling on a final price.

Can You Fix Your Furniture Yourself?

You might be able to fix your furniture yourself if you’re handy with tools or have some knowledge about upholstery. However, if the furniture has extensive damage then it may not be possible for you to repair it on your own without professional help.

How to Fix Common Problems With Furniture

One of the most common problems with furniture is loose legs. To fix this issue, you’ll need a screwdriver and some screws or nails for your type of material to secure them back together again. If there’s damage beyond repair then don’t hesitate in calling a professional as soon as possible.

Getting New Furniture

The cost of getting new furniture can be expensive, but there are ways for you to save money in the process. Buying furniture in bulk will usually result in a lower price per item than if you were just shopping for one piece of furniture at the time. If your budget is tight then consider looking into second-hand stores, which can offer great deals on items that may be slightly used but still functional and aesthetically pleasing!

Knowing When it’s Time to Replace Old or Damaged Furniture

Sometimes furniture can last for years without any problems, but other times it might not be as lucky. If you’ve had your furniture for a long time and it’s starting to show signs of wear and tear then it might be time to replace it with something new. Alternatively, if there are damages that can’t be repaired or the furniture is no longer comfortable then it’s also probably time for an update!

Some Important Furniture Maintenance Tips to Remember

  • Dust your furniture at least once a week to keep it looking clean and new
  • Use a vacuum cleaner with the upholstery attachment to remove any dirt or dust from the cushions and fabric
  • Spills and stains should be treated as quickly as possible to prevent them from becoming permanent
  • Polish wood furniture every few months to keep it looking shiny and new
  • If you have leather furniture, use a leather conditioner every few months to keep it looking soft and luxurious
  • Protect your furniture from sunlight and heat by using appropriate covers when not in use
  • Always use coasters and mats to protect your furniture from spills or scratches caused by hot dishes and cups
  • If you must move heavy objects on top of your furniture, place a blanket or other soft material underneath them first to prevent damage.


Furniture is a big investment, and it’s important to take care of it to prolong its life. By following the tips in this guide, you’ll be able to keep your furniture looking great for years to come!

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